Rocker also discusses how anarchosyndicalism successfully was put into practice. Written between the two world wars, but during the spanish civil war, the book offers an interesting glimpse into the thinking of the time while offering some very timeless points. To the stormy outburst in the country against the instigators of the massacre of peterloo the government replied with the notorious six gag laws, by which the right of assembly and freedom of the press were in effect suspended and the reformers made liable to the harshest prosecution. Although rocker never quite gives a straightforward definition of this politicoeconomic philosophy, his demonstration of its practice should make the meaning of this theory sufficiently clear. Theory and practice an introduction to a subject which the spanish war has brought into overwhelming prominence 1938. He wrote extensively on anarchist movements and thinkers.
Its first edition 158 pages was published by secker and warburg, london in 1938 and was translated from ray e. Rudolf rockers classic survey of anarchosyndicalism was written during the spanish civil war to explain to the wider reading. The discussion of anarchosyndicalism itself is good. Theory and practice is the classic and essential read for anyone interested in the history and basics of anarchosyndicalism. If youd like to upload content to the library which is in line with the aims of the site or will otherwise be of interest to libcom users, please check out our guides to submitting libraryhistory articles and tagging articles. The impotence of political parties for social reconstruction. Constructive work of the labour syndicates and peasant collectives in spain.
I managed to pick up the original version as a free epub on the internet which therefore didnt have the. Rocker penned this political and philosophical work in 1937, at the behest of emma. In 1914 rocker vigorously opposed both sides in the first world and after a few months he was interned as an enemy alien. Anarchosyndicalism by rudolf rocker anarchism and its aspirations by cindy milstein on anarchism by noam.
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